Press contact

NES TECH promotes an open dialogue with media and journalists in order to increase insight and understanding of the activities in NES TECH and the industry as a whole.

Seneste pressemeddelelser

13. december 2021

Lægernes Pension ny kunde hos NES TECH

6. oktober 2022

AkademikerPension afslutter hypercare

5. december 2022

International kunde skifter til Polaris fra NES TECH

17. december 2022

Lægernes Pension går live ved årsskiftet

Open dialogue

We aim to be open and accessible to media and journalists. Our openness is basically only limited for reasons of business partners, employees and business-critical information.

Through openness and active PR and communication efforts, we want to contribute to increased insight and understanding of NES TECH’s activities and the framework conditions of the industry.

Press contact

Image and logo library

The present photo and logo may be freely used in connection with editorial mention of NES TECH.

When using a photo, the following credit must be used: “Photo: NES TECH / Bjarke Ørsted”

Alfred Joensen

CEO and founder

Thomas Glinski


Alfred Joensen

Alfred Joensen

Thomas Glinski

